Last week I came down with a little cold and as much as I tried not to pass it along to Ashton he still caught it. I felt sooo bad! I took him to the doctor last week and she reassured me it was just a cold and proceeded to tell me that babies get at least 6 colds a year. Doesn't that seem like a lot?! He is still congested but it is not as bad as it was. Against some advice, we let him sleep in bed with Drew and I because having him propped up seemed to help with his breathing. We loved having him between us, but didn't want to get into that habit so that was short lived.
Ashton was 3 weeks old when I brought him in to the doctor. His weight was good and he was in good health (besides the cold) so my doctor did not think it was necessary to seem him again in a week. At that time he weighed 9 lb 8 oz and was 22 inches long! He is definately getting enough to eat!!
4 week old stats:
Weight: 10 pounds 2 ounzes
Lengh: 22 inches long
Eating: Every 2-3 hrs during the day and every 3-4 hrs at night for about 15 minutes
Smiles: for dad all the time
Sleeps: most of the day
Likes: Nuk, being held, his swing, tummie time
Dislikes: bath time (although it's getting better), his bouncie seat